Call for the 2017 Technology and Revolution Convergences

A Call to Convergences on Technology and Revolution

The problems the human race faces pose the greatest threat to its existence in history.

If we can use the technology we have appropriately, plan and develop it intelligently and control it democratically, we can solve those problems.

Now what?

Technology and Revolution

The threat we face is enormous. The response to it has been over-whelming. The need for fundamental social change is unquestionable. The potential for that change is unprecedented.

This is a time to start looking forward at our next steps: a time to start talking about what we have in common, what we can do together, what kind of common strategy we can develop.

For decades, that has proven difficult. While our movements are vibrant and committed and most of us sympathize with and support the work others are doing, unified action has proven tough to organize. In fact, thinking about the future (even the near future) in a unified way is something we haven’t been able to do.

Maybe we should start by talking about what we have in common: our belief in fundamental change and our reliance on and development of technology. Maybe we need to start talking about the relationship between change and technology and how that relationship affects the practical and political work we are doing.

We think that’s worth exploring. So…

We are calling on the movement (our own members and beyond) to get together in convergences all over the country to talk about Technology and Revolution.


  • Contribute to building a broad left movement strategy
  • Build tighter relationships between experienced movement organizers with limited understanding of technology and techie activists with limited movement experience
  • Practice developing inter-generational, mixed race and gender environments that builds respect and power

The Context

  1. Starting in the 1970s, information technology was introduced into production and many other aspects of our society. It transformed countless social functions, including work as it replaced the industrial working class as the primary motor of commodity production and eliminated this group of people who had their hands on capitalism’s means of production. For all practical purposes, what was traditionally called “the proletariat” disappeared as a social force. This was critical to the Left of that period because the strategy the Left had either embraced or debated was centered on working class organization at the “point of production”. The Left was left without a cohesive strategy.
  2. We have never gotten over that loss. The entire history of the Left in many of the economically powerful countries of the world since the 1970s has been response and resistance to various oppressions but very little vision of the future and almost none of a strategy to get there. As a result, despite great success in some of these struggles, our situation as a world has deteriorated consistently.
  3. In the midst of that deterioration, we confront a growing fascist movement world-wide: the traditional answer by capitalism to crisis. It has now taken government authority in the U.S. and, aside from increased surveillance and abuse of this technology, we can expect an increased attack on our ability to communicate and the technology we use to do that.
  4. And yet, because of information technology, our movement has never been more capable of rapid communications and response organizing. Our influence is broadening all the time. Our ability to deliver our message quickly and comprehensively has never been greater.

And technology transformed us in another important way: for the first time, our ability to create a society we want surpasses our imagination of what kind of society that can be. For the first time in human history, we can realize more than we can imagine and the struggle is to expand, not our capabilities, but our imaginations.

  1. The priority of the movement in this country is to start developing a strategy for revolution that can unify us or at least serve as the source of debate. Because of the key role technology has played in all these developments, that strategy for revolution must include an approach to technology.
  2. Logically, a revolutionary program should include the “reconquest of technology” and that, in and of itself, is a huge undertaking that can only be accomplished inside a larger, more inconclusive strategy. It’s also not possible to elaborate without intense and large-scaled convergence and conversation.

We at May First/People Link are a technology organization of the Left and we feel a particular responsibility to contribute to our movement’s addressing of these issues.

The Convergences

We are asking you to join us in organizing a series of convergences to address these issues.

There is no requisite format to a convergence. It can be comprised of a group of individuals (even a group of friends) or a “summit” of organizational representatives or both. A convergence can last two hours or as much as a full day.

What makes it “official” is that the convergence organizers let us know it is taking place before it actually happens; includes at least one techie in the group; posts a report on their conversations on our website; and identify, to the national organizing team, participants names and email.

We are building a convergence site (to register and report back), reading lists, sample agendas, discussion guides, software tips for fighting surveillance and other resources to help you plan and carry out a convergence

